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Saturday, September 18, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Shakespeare in Love (1998) plot summary
Viola De Lesseps, the daughter of a nouveau riche nobleman, passionately loves poetry and the theatre. She yearns to be an actor, but in Elizabethan England, women were forbidden to appear on the stage. While her parents are away for a month, Viola disguises herself as Thomas Kent and auditions for a part in Shakespeare’s unfinished play. Impressed with Thomas’ abilities, Shakespeare casts him as Romeo.
Unknown to Viola, her social-climbing father has arranged her marriage to the pompous Lord Wessex, a poor but well-titled aristocrat. "Your father should keep you better informed. He has bought me for you." Shakespeare has fallen in love with Viola, who becomes his muse. Infused with newfound inspiration, he rewrites his play into Romeo and Juliet. He soon discovers, however, that Viola is Thomas Kent. He tells no one, and they engage in a secret passionate love affair. Shakespeare neglects to mention that he is already married.
A rather horrid little boy (the future real-life playwright, John Webster) lurks about the theatre, spying on the troupe. He discovers Thomas is Viola and informs the magistrate. He and his men raid the Rose and close it, and an exposed Viola leaves in disgrace. All seems lost, but in a truly magnanimous gesture, Richard Burbage, owner of a rival theatre, the Curtain, offers his stage for Shakespeare’s play.
The Young Victoria — A summary of the plot

Left to right: Prince Albert’s entrance. The Loving Couple (used as official moview poster). Victoria and Albert in the bedroom.
1837. VICTORIA (17) (Emily Blunt) is the object of a royal power struggle. Her uncle, KING WILLIAM (Jim Broadbent), is dying and Victoria is in line for the throne. Everyone is vying to win her favor. However Victoria is kept from the court by her overbearing mother, THE DUCHESS OF KENT (Miranda Richardson), and her ambitious advisor, CONROY (Mark Strong). Victoria hates them both. Her only friend is her doting governess, LEHZEN (Jeanette Hain), but she is smothering and over-protective.
Victoria’s handsome cousin, ALBERT (Rupert Friend) is invited to visit by her mother. He’s also the nephew of her Uncle, KING LEOPOLD OF BELGIUM (Thomas Kretschmann). It’s obvious that Albert has been coached to win her hand. At first she’s annoyed as she has no intention of being married. She never wants to be controlled again. However Albert is also tired of being manipulated by his relatives. Victoria and Albert talk openly and sincerely and become friends. When he returns home she grants him permission to write to her. King Leopold is delighted and pushes Albert to woo her. Albert refuses because he knows she’s not ready and he won’t return to London until she invites him. Leopold reluctantly waits.

Left to right: Lord Melbourne. The Duchess of Kent. King William IV.
Meanwhile King William dies and Victoria is crowned Queen of England. Victoria’s first decree is to banish her mother and Conroy to a remote palace apartment. She embraces LORD MELBOURNE (Paul Bettany), the charming Prime Minister, as her sole advisor. They become inseparable and although his motives are slightly self serving, he truly cares for her and wants her to succeed. Prince Albert returns to London to witness the coronation and the friendship between Victoria and Albert deepens. They spend happy hours together but it is obvious Victoria is under Melbourne’s spell and he eventually returns to Germany.
The public loves their new Queen. She’s cheered as she rides through the streets but this honeymoon with the public comes to a sudden end. Melbourne’s party is defeated in the elections and his rival, PEEL (Michael Maloney), demands that Victoria replace her ladies in waiting, who are all supporters of Lord Melbourne, with the wives of his own allies. Victoria refuses. Peel resigns and the backlash is furious. The newspapers declare that Victoria is opposing the public’s will. They are outraged
It is only now that Victoria understands how much she needs Albert’s support. Against Melbourne’s wishes, she summons the young Prince back to England. This time Albert is determined not to be kept waiting in the wings any longer. Seeing his new resolution and struck by how handsome and sincere he is, Victoria invites him to marry her.
The spectacle of the royal wedding wins over the public. The handsome young Prince and Queen are cheered and all seems well in the Royal household.
However tensions between Albert and Victoria start to emerge. She wants an obedient friend and lover, not a controlling husband. But he, reasonably enough, wants to be her partner and equal, to be involved in her political decisions. Victoria is furious. She is the Queen and she will manage her own business! Albert is hurt and has little to do in his new role as Consort. Eventually, with the Dowager QUEEN ADELAIDE’S (Harriet Walter) encouragement, she allows him to re-organize the palace staff. He does a great job - the household is more efficient than it’s been in centuries.
Victoria becomes pregnant. Life should be perfect. But they argue when she sees Albert talking with politicians at a party. She’s incensed that he is taking the lead without her permission. They are later riding through the streets when a crazed man tries to shoot Victoria. Albert throws her to the carriage floor and is wounded trying to protect her.
Shocked by the danger and amazed by the strength of his love, Victoria realizes what a selfish woman she’s become. She begs Albert’s forgiveness as he insists that all he’s ever wanted was what was best for her. Trusting him completely, she’s now ready to accept his help. Together they banish Lehzen who could not accept Albert’s place in the family, and her mother’s treacherous advisor, Conroy, who was still wielding influence. In a symbolic move, Victoria moves Albert’s desk next to hers and for the rest of his life they rule together.
Synopsis for Becoming Jane

The film begins by panning over the breath taking English country side and to a quaint country home. This is where the Rev. and Mrs. Austen live with their family. While everyone else is sound asleep, Jane is up writing. She then gets up and wakes the entire household by playing loudly on the piano. The noise startles both Robert and Cassandra. Cassandra is Jane's sister and Robert is her fiance. Both Robert and Cassandra run out of their own rooms to see what the noise is and Robert catches a glimpse of Cassandra in her night gown which prompts the latter to smile slyly and then rush back to her own room.
Mrs. Austen, who was trying to sleep, complains that Jane needs a husband. Rev. Austen, lying next to her, comments that because he has set an example of perfection, Jane can not be satisfied with anything less. The couple then playfully banter before rising for church.
Meanwhile, Tom Lefroy is in London. He is the nephew of a very prominent judge but enjoys sowing his wild oats. Tom spends a lot of his time boxing, drinking, and enjoying the company of prostitutes and mistresses. His family is very poor, but his stern uncle has taken him under his wing in hopes that Tom will prove to be a respectable lawyer one day. Tom is friends with Henry Austen, a recent Oxford graduate who will be returning home soon.
One day, Tom comes in late to court where his uncle is presiding. It is the last straw. His uncle speaks with him in private, saying that he is fed up with Tom. As punishment, he is sending Tom to the country side where Henry lives (as well as some other members of the Lefroy family.)
Back in the country, there is a small gathering to celebrate Henry's recent graduation and homecoming. The Austen's distant and widowed cousin Eliza is there. She is quite wealthy and extremely beautiful and catches Henry's eye even though she is older than he is.
The guests are the party beg Jane to do a reading. Apparently she is quite well known in their small community for her humorous writings. She happily stands up to read something dedicated to her sister and has barely begun when Tom strolls in - quite late. She is extremely annoyed and flustered, but continues reading. She is insulted when, while everyone else is laughing, Tom appears to be falling asleep. After she completes the reading, she overhears Tom commenting on her writing as being unremarkable and only so-so. (Very similar to the scene in Austen's Pride and Prejudice where Elizabeth hears Mr. Darcy commenting on her merely "tolerable" appearance.) Extremely upset, Jane tears up some of her writing and casts it into a fire.
Later, Tom goes out for a walk where he encounters Jane. They bicker about her writing, but sparks fly between them. Jane defends her writing, saying that he did not understand it because it was ironic. They part after a verbal sparring, but you can tell Tom is intrigued by her.
The chemistry continues to build when Jane performs far better than Tom anticipated in a cricket match. He is forever being surprised by her. Then one day, Jane accidentally encounters Tom in a friend's library. He tells her that if she is serious about writing, she needs to have her horizons ... widened. He seems to be trying to seduce her and the prospect of it flusters Jane, who finds herself only a breath apart from Tom's lips. He hands her a book though (I think it was called "The History of Tom Jones") and tells her to read it if she really wants to be a novelist.
Jane reads the book, which is rather scandalous. It depicts a woman's breasts and even has drawings of a topless women. She reads it anyway and when Tom asks her what she thought of it, she replies that she found it objectionable. However, she says it was not the characters or their lack of morality that she found it was unrealistic. Bad things happened to bad people in the book, she says, but that is not true to real life. In real life, Jane remarks, perfectly odious people (like Tom, she adds), succeed while good and noble people often fail. Jane says that a novel should reflect real life and real things. Once again, Tom is surprised by her and they develop of chemistry-fueled friendship.
This makes things slightly difficult for Jane because her mother is encouraging her to accept a courtship with a nice-looking and friendly (but very dull) Mr. Wisley. Wisley is rich and has a very protective and snooty aunt who controls him (much like Lady Catherine de Bourgh from P&P). His aunt requests that he and Jane take a walk in the "pretty bit of wilderness" near the house (something that Jane immediately writes down and later appears in P&P spoken by Lady Catherine.)
Jane doesn't want to take a private walk with Wisley, but she has no other choice. As expected, he takes the opportunity to propose. Jane says that she is honored by the sincerity of his proposal, but that she can not consider it since she does not feel affection for him. He is embarrassed but says wisely that he has found that shy affection has often blossomed into great love. He walks away, leaving the impression that there is far more to him than meets the eyes, but Jane can not help that she does not love him.
Jane's mother is outraged that Jane has not expected Wisley's proposal. She herself married for love and the family is now very poor. She doesn't want Jane to suffer the same fate. Jane disagrees though. She believes that even if she never marries, she can support herself with her writing. Jane's mother vehemently disagrees.
Later at a ball, Jane is searching for Tom but instead Wisley's aunt finds her. In a very condescending tone, the aunt says that Jane has no choice but to marry her nephew even if she is just a poor daughter of a no-name clergy man. Jane is insulted and leaves. She is asked to dance by Wisley and she sadly agrees, believing Tom is not in attendance. She looks depressed throughout the dance till Tom takes her hand. He has slipped into the French contra line dance when Jane wasn't looking. The way the dance is structured, people exchange partners occasionally. Wisley notices that Jane seems to have come alive in Tom's presence.
Later, Jane slips out to be by herself. Tom joins her and they share a private moment. He is leaving back for London the next day. Jane leans in to kiss Tom and Tom leans back, but she continues and kisses him soundly. They break apart breathlessly and Jane asks if she did it (the kiss) well. Tom replies most enthusiastically that she did it quite well. They hear people coming, so Tom pulls Jane off into the trees where they kiss. Tom then confesses his love for her and that he is hers forever.
Desperately in love, Tom decides to make his case to his very stern and un-romantic uncle who believes love leads to poverty. Tom, Jane, Henry, and Eliza all make a visit to Tom's uncle's home in London. His uncle is excited to see Eliza because she is nobility through her late husband, but he mostly ignores Jane. That night, Henry and Eliza discreetly share a room but Tom and Jane must settle for a very breathless goodnight. During this trip, Jane begins writing "First Impressions," the original title of her book "Pride and Prejudice."
The next morning, Tom is preparing to ask his uncle for his consent to marry Jane. (His uncle gives him an allowance so Tom is completely dependent upon him.) Unfortunately, someone has sent a letter to his uncle portraying Jane as a husband hunter. Tom says he wanted his uncle to meet Jane for himself but his uncle is horrified and outraged. Jane is saddened but she believes she and Tom can still find a way to marry. Unfortunately, Tom doesn't have the courage to leave his uncle. Jane tearfully leaves with Eliza and Henry.
(At this point, events might be slightly out of order. Sorry!) Once home, Jane resigns herself to her fate and decides to marry Wisley. She is upset with herself because deep down, she feels like she is betraying her convictions by marrying for money instead of affection. During a dinner with Wisley and his aunt, the family receives a disturbing letter. Cassandra's fiance who briefly left for an overseas trip to the Indies, has died of yellow fever.
Jane is distraught. Her and her sister have both fared badly with love. It seems that no one will ever have a happy ending. Jane continues writing "First Impressions," something her sister Cassandra enjoys hearing about as well. She asks, "How does it begin?"
"Badly," Jane replies. "And then?" "It gets worse."
But you can tell that Jane wants all the characters she invents to be luckier in love than she has been. Things take another disappointing turn when Jane learns from Henry and Eliza that Tom is back from London and that he is engaged.
A short time later, Jane is on a walk with her brother George, who is deaf. He only has a small part in the film, but we know enough to know that Jane can communicate with him through sign language and they enjoy walks together. While they are walking, Tom appears. Even though the George is deaf, he can tell that the two of them are in love. Tom is attempting to explain himself to Jane when he breaks down and kisses her, telling her he cannot live this lie. They decide to forsake everything else and elope.
Eloping means that they can never return to England, they will be poverty stricken, and Jane will probably find it difficult to write. Cassandra, the only one who knows what Jane is planning, explains this to Jane. But Jane asks if she would be willing to elope with Robert if it meant she could have him back. Cassandra understands and lets Jane go.
Jane and Tom are thrilled and excited, but while they are on the coach, the wheel becomes stuck. Tom needs to help the coachmen, so he hands Jane his coat to hold while he helps. Jane notices a letter in his coat pocket. It is from his family. They are thanking him for the money he has been sending. Apparently, Tom was getting an allowance from his uncle and sending money back to his family to feed them. The letter expresses gratitude and they exclaim that they do not know what they would do without him. Jane realizes that Tom's entire family is depending on him and if they elope, he will no longer be able to provide for them.
Jane tries to keep the new knowledge to herself, but her conscience gets the better of her and she asks Tom about his family. He is dismissive of her worries because he believes he can find a way to make money for them all anyway. Jane knows better though. She knows that they will probably have children too and there will be no way for Tom to provide for everyone. She believes that if she marries him, the guilt she feels will gradually erode their love. She tells Tom goodbye and leaves on a coach going in the opposite direction with Tom's face fading into the distance.
Jane arrives back at home where everyone is looking for her. A young man who studies at the church with her father (John Warren) says that he will marry Jane and that he has been in love with her for a long time. Jane realizes he is the one who sent the letter to Tom's uncle. Jane can not believe that love could have failed her and her sister so much.
The family welcomes Jane back with open arms. One Sunday morning they walk to attend church together when a carriage pulls up along side them. It is Wisley and his aunt, who says she will not attend church since Jane is going to be there and she embarrassed by their family. Jane's family stands behind her and Wisley admires Jane's independence. He suddenly gets out of the carriage and asserts himself to his aunt, who is shocked.
Wisley and Jane take a walk and Jane apologizes to him for her actions. He accepts her apology and says he believes he could love her but that he is prideful enough to want love in return. They agree to part as friends. He asks about what she will do and Jane says she will support herself through her writing. He asks if her characters will have happy endings. Jane says that, after a little trouble, her characters will have all they desire. He remarks that it is a "truth universally acknowledged" and Jane absorbs that statement (it later appears as the first line of P&P).
Time flashes forward several years. A group of people are listening to an opera. The camera pans over the crowd and we see Eliza and Henry who have been married for a long time now. A much older Jane is seated with them. After the opera, a young teen girl approaches Jane as if she is a celebrity and exclaims how much she loves the book Pride & Prejudice. Henry quickly steps in and says that Jane is trying to remain anonymous. Jane then catches sight of Tom in the distance but he disappears. Henry goes after him, much to Jane's embarrassment. Jane and Eliza are talking when Henry brings back Tom who has a young girl on his arm.
Tom says that he would like to introduce Jane Austen's biggest fan to her, his daughter. Jane is polite but when the girl pleads with her to do a public reading, Jane says that she can't because she is trying to remain anonymous. Tom's daughter objects, but Tom silences her saying, "Jane!"
Tom has named his daughter Jane, after the one woman he loved. This is disconcerting to Jane, who immediately realizes why Tom named his daughter after her. She then concedes to do a reading. During the reading, you can see Tom toying with the wedding ring on his finger as he longingly watches his daughter and Jane read.
The screen fades to black and writing appears on the screen, informing us that neither Jane or Cassandra ever married and Tom truly named his eldest daughter Jane.
Synopsis of Romeo and Juliet

The play opens with a brawl between two rival families, the Capulets and the Montagues. The town authority, Escalus, breaks up the fight and threatens death for anyone “who disturbs our streets”.
A great celebration is being planned by the Capulets to which everyone in the town is invited, except the Montagues. The primary reason for the party is to introduce their soon-to-be marriageable daughter, Juliet to an influential young lord in the town, Paris. The Montague lads, Romeo and his cousin, Benvolio along with their friend Mercutio, decide to attend in disguise.
From the moment Romeo sees Juliet from across the room, he is enchanted with her. He woos her with sweet words to such an effect that Paris is immediately forgotten, and Juliet only has eyes for the strange young man. Though Juliet’s cousin Tybalt notices the presence of an enemy, Capulet heeds the warning of the authorities and the party comes to an end without a fight. Romeo sneaks back into the garden, where he hears Juliet talking to herself about the danger of loving an enemy. Their overwhelming attraction for one another with all the passion of the young, results in the exchange of vows of love and a plan to marry in secret the very next day.
Romeo confesses his love to Father Lawrence and begs him to marry them. Father Lawrence consents when he considers that the marriage might end the feud between the families and bring peace to the town. The two lovers are married and go their separate ways, until they may be together in the secret of the night. However, in the meantime, Tybalt attempts to pick a fight with Romeo. Romeo refuses on the grounds of his secret love, but Mercutio takes up his sword to return Tybalt’s insult. Mercutio is killed and Romeo, enraged at the death of his friend, kills Tybalt and is banished by Escalus.
Romeo and Juliet have one night of wonderment as they explore their new found love, before Romeo must flee the city. The strength of their love for one another transcends the uncertain future, yet a shadow hovers over them.
Unaware of this secret marriage, the Capulets go ahead with their plans for Juliet to wed Paris. In a panic, fueled to almost suicidal proportions by her young passionate nature, Juliet goes to Father Lawrence for help. He gives her a sleeping potion that will make her appear “as though dead” and assures her he will get word to Romeo of the subterfuge. When she awakes they will be reunited.
But the message goes astray; Romeo receives word of his young wife’s death through another source. Blinded by grief, Romeo returns to the town, determined to be with her in death. He meets Paris at her tomb and kills him. Then at the side of his love’s body, drinks a fatal draught of poison. Juliet upon awaking too late, sees her love dead beside her and using his dagger, takes her own life. Father Lawrence arrives at the scene, too late to divert the tragedy.
The two families are left with their double grief, but as Escalus points out, not until their pride and foolishness killed the “joys” of their households.
Michael J. Arndt
In Verona, Sampson and Gregory (Capulet servants) complain that they will not put up with insults from the Montague family. Abram and Balthasar (Montague servants) appear and the four start quarreling. Benvolio (Lord Montague's nephew) appears and tries to break up the quarrel, but Tybalt (Lady Capulet's nephew) appears and picks a fight with Benvolio. At length, officers try to break up the fight, even while Lord Capulet and Lord Montague begin to fight one another. The Prince of Verona (Escalus) appears and stops the fighting, proclaiming sentences of death to any that renew the fighting. At Montague's house, he, his wife, and Benvolio discuss how melancholy Romeo (Montague's only son) has been lately. Benvolio vows to find out why. Speaking with Romeo, Benvolio finds Romeo is in love with a woman who has sworn to stay chaste (Rosaline). Benvolio suggests pursuing other women, but Romeo refuses. Separately, Paris (a kinsman of the Prince of Verona) talks to Lord Capulet about wooing his daughter Juliet for marriage. Capulet responds that she is too young (nearly 14 years old) and must wait two years to marry, and then only to the man whom she chooses. Still, Capulet invites Paris to a party in the evening. Capulet's servant is sent to invite guests, but he can't read the list so he entreats Romeo to do so. Upon hearing of the party, Benvolio convinces Romeo to attend and compare his unattainable love Rosaline to more beautiful women to get his mind off Rosaline. At Capulet's house, Lady Capulet speaks to Juliet about her feelings for marrying Paris while Juliet's Nurse listens on, telling stories of Juliet's childhood. Juliet, although hesitant, promises to be courteous. Masked, Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio head to the Capulet party. Romeo is still depressed, saying he dreamt a fearful dream of an untimely death that will result because of the evening's events, but Benvolio just makes fun of him. At Capulet's house, the Montagues attend the party (in masks), Romeo spies Juliet, and he falls in love with her. Tybalt sees Romeo and takes up arms, but Lord Capulet attempts to calm him, though Tybalt vows to revenge Romeo's intrusion the next day. Juliet, too, falls for Romeo, but falls into despair when her Nurse informs her Romeo is a Montague, as does Romeo when he learns Juliet is a Capulet.
While leaving the party, Romeo hides in the orchard while Mercutio and Benvolio call for him to come out of hiding and go home with them; yet he will not. After they leave, Romeo appears and speaks to Juliet under her window, saying "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!" By and by they swear their love to one another. Juliet tells Romeo she'll send a messenger to him the next day to learn the details of their wedding. Having stayed up all night, Romeo visits Friar Lawrence's cell and tells him of this new love for Juliet. Although Lawrence is critical at first, Romeo eventually convinces him to marry them. In the street, Benvolio tells Mercutio that Romeo did not come home that night, and that Tybalt has sent the Montagues a letter challenging Romeo to a duel. Romeo appears and they tease him for hiding from them. Juliet's nurse and servant Peter appear and Romeo tells her to tell Juliet to go to the Friar's cell that afternoon to be married. The Nurse returns to Juliet and, though she skirts around the message, she finally tells Juliet the wonderful news. Soon, at the Friar's cell, he marries Romeo and Juliet, and Romeo plans to visit Juliet's bedroom that evening.
At the street, Benvolio and Mercutio encounter Tybalt and Petruchio, leading to Tybalt and Mercutio fighting since Tybalt tries to pick a fight with Romeo, but he refuses. Romeo tries to break up the fight, but Tybalt slays Mercutio under Romeo's arm, then Tybalt flees. As Mercutio dies, he declares "A plague on both your houses," since he is only a friend of Romeo's and not his kinsmen. When Benvolio informs Romeo that Mercutio is dead, Romeo seeks out, fights, and slays Tybalt in revenge. Benvolio convinces Romeo to flee. The prince appears and Benvolio explains all to him, at which the Prince exiles Romeo for slaying Tybalt. At the Capulet's orchard, Juliet waits for Romeo when her Nurse appears and informs her of Mercutio and Tybalt's deaths, and Romeo's banishment. Juliet falls into despair, realizing she would rather Tybalt dead than Romeo, but also that a banished Romeo is virtually dead. At the Friar's cell, he informs Romeo of the Prince's edict of banishment, putting him into despair. Romeo states he would rather be dead than banished. The Nurse arrives and tells Romeo that Juliet is sad too, but forgives Romeo. Still, Romeo pulls a dagger and tries to kill himself, but the Friar stops him and tells him to stay the night with Juliet, then flee to Mantua. At Capulet's house, he and Paris set the wedding date for Paris and Juliet to be three days hence. In Juliet's bedroom, Romeo says a tearful goodbye to Juliet. After he leaves, Lady Capulet appears and, while discussing Tybalt's death, states she will send a henchman to mantua to kill Romeo (though she never does). She then informs Juliet of her impending marriage to Paris. Juliet tells her parents she will not marry, but Lord Capulet commands it will be so. The Nurse, too, tells Juliet she should marry Paris. In private, Juliet decides to no longer trust the nurse and vows to kill herself if the Friar cannot find a way to save her from marrying Paris.
At Friar Lawrence's cell, Paris informs the Friar of his upcoming wedding to Juliet. When Juliet arrives to see the Friar, Paris politely leaves. The Friar, hearing Juliet threaten suicide, tells her of a "distilled liquor" she can take to fake death. He explains the drug will keep her asleep and seemingly dead for 42 hours, during which she can be placed in the Capulet tomb. Then, when she wakes, Romeo can be there waiting for her to take her to Mantua. Friar Lawrence send Friar John to Mantua with an explanatory letter for Romeo. Juliet returns to her father and apologizes for refusing to marry, causing her dad to move the wedding up to the next morning (two days early). In her bedroom, Juliet sends her mother and nurse away, then, after much worrying over the future, she drinks the vial of medicine and sleeps. Later in the early morning, all feverishly prepare for the wedding and Capulet sends the Nurse to wake Juliet. The Nurse wails upon finding Juliet "dead", summoning the others to find her and mourn. The Friar instructs all to prepare Juliet for her funeral.
In Mantua, Romeo's servant Balthasar arrives and tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. Romeo vows to see Juliet in her tomb and poison himself there, buying the poison from a poor Apothecary who illegally sells it to Romeo only because he (the Apothecary) needs the money. At Lawrence's cell, Friar John reports he could not deliver the letter to Romeo since he (John) got stuck in a quarantined house while searching for Romeo. Friar Lawrence heads to the cemetery with a crowbar. At the tomb, Paris and his page arrive and Paris mourns Juliet's death. Paris hides when he hears Romeo and Balthasar approach. Romeo orders Balthasar to leave him alone, no matter what he hears. When Romeo opens the tomb, Paris steps out and tries to stop him by provoking him to fight. Romeo entreats Paris to simply walk away and not fight, but Paris forces Romeo to fight him, resulting in Romeo slaying Paris. In sorrow, Romeo lays Paris in the tomb, while Paris' page secretly leaves to call the watch. Romeo finds Juliet and mourns her death, then drinks his poison and dies. Outside the tomb, Friar Lawrence arrives and meets Balthasar who tells the Friar that Romeo has been in the tomb for one half hour. Lawrence enters the tomb and finds Romeo and Paris dead. Juliet then awakes and spots Romeo. The Friar, upon hearing noises outside flees, leaving Juliet with Romeo. Juliet tries to kill herself with Romeo's poison, but can find none, either in the vial or on Romeo's lips. In desperation, she stabs herself with Romeo's dagger. The watch arrives, having found Balthasar and the Friar. The Prince and Lord and Lady Capulet arrive and learn Paris, Romeo, and Juliet are dead (amazingly to them, Juliet seems to have been alive, and then newly dead again). Lord Montague arrives and reports that his wife has died from grief over Romeo's exile, then learns himself of Romeo's death. Capulet and Montague make peace and swear to never fight again. They vow to build solid gold statues of Romeo and Juliet and place them side by side so all can remember their plight.
Sunday, September 12, 2010



Events from the life of the author Jane Austen inspired this romantic historical drama, which speculates of a romance that may have had a significant impact on her life and work. Twenty-year-old Jane Austen (Anne Hathaway) is the daughter of Rev. Austen (James Cromwell), a minister who looks after a flock in a small rural community in Southern England with his wife (Julie Walters). While her older sister, Cassandra (Anna Maxwell Martin), is engaged to be married, Jane resists her family's efforts to match her up with Mr. Wisley (Laurence Fox), the wealthy but dull nephew of Lady Gresham (Maggie Smith), a minor member of the British nobility. Jane has the heart of an artist, and hopes to distinguish herself as a musician or a writer, though her parents don't think much of her prospects. When Jane meets Tom Lefroy (James McAvoy), a young man her own age, she's intrigued; while he scoffs at her writing style, he clearly sees she has talent, and is eager for her to learn more of the larger world by exposing her to more daring literature and modern pastimes such as boxing. As Tom begins to court Jane, she finds herself increasingly attracted to this poor but keenly intelligent man, though she soon realizes her own ideas about love and marriage are sometimes at odds with the conventions of the society in which she lives.
no pass
Genre......... Comedy / Drama / Romance
Runtime....... 01:58:36
Resolution.... 608 x 256
Size.......... 701 MB
Tristan and Isolde (2006)

Size: 2.05 Gb
Type.................: Movie
Part Size............: 700 MB (or 717,322 KB or 734,537,728 bytes)
Number of Parts......: 1
Burn Tested..........: Yes
Special CDR..........: Requires 700 MB / 80 Min CDR Year.................: 2006
More Info............:
IMDB Rating..........: 7.2/10 (2,116 votes)
Comment..............: aXXo Rips--ALL Home DivX Players Compatible
Duration.............: 02:05:27 Audio Format.........: MP3
Encoder..............: LAME
Bitrate..............: 80 (CBR)
Hz...................: 48,000
Channels.............: 2CH Stereo
Source...............: DVD Video Format.........: AVI
Video Bitrate........: 694
Codec URL............:
Resolution...........: 484 x 258
Display Aspect Ratio.: 1.876 (15:8)
Frame Quality........: 0.232 bits/pixel
FPS..................: 23.976
Source...............: DVD 16:9
Original Format......: NTSC
Genre................: Action / Drama / Romance CD1 Size.............: 700 MB
Official Web.........:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post Information
Posted by............: aXXo
Posted on............: 11/04/2006
Poster url...........:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes
Before Romeo & Juliet, there was... ORIGINAL TITLE: Tristan and Isolde
COUNTRY: United States
DIRECTOR: Kevin Reynolds
SCREENWRITER: Dean Georgaris, Peter Morgan, Dominic Morgan, Matthew Harvey
COMPOSER: Anne Dudley
CAST: James Franco, Sophia Myles, Rufus Sewell, Jamie King, David O'Hara, Henry Cavill, JB Blanc


While out hunting, Asterix and his friend Obelix run across a sports champion of one of the local Roman garrisons named Gluteus Maximus, who is to participate in the Olympic Games. Under the effects of magic potion, they beat the Roman athlete in everything he attempts, temporarily breaking his resolve. Later on, the Gauls decide to participate in the Games as well, under the view that - as part of the Roman world - they are legally Romans (only free-born Greek citizens were allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics, but under pressure an exception was made for their Roman occupiers). They later arrive in Greece for the games, and are entered in the list of participants, much to the surprise of the Greeks and the consternation of the Romans.

Genre: Biography | Drama | History
The retelling of Frances iconic but ill fated queen, Marie Antoinette. From her betrothal and marriage to Louis XVI at 15 to her reign as queen at 19 and to the end of her reign as queen and ultimately the fall of Versailles.

Size: 699 Mb

Release Date:.........3 August 2001 (USA) more
Genre:.......Romance | Thriller more
Plot:........ A young man is plunged into a life of subterfuge, deceit and mistaken identity in pursuit of a femme fatale whose heart is never quite within his grasp.

TiTLE......[ Virgin Territory
AKA........[ Decameron: Angels & Virgins
YEAR.......[ 2007
GENRE......[ Drama / Adventure / Comedy / Romance
RUNTiME....[ 01:33:07
Hercules 2005

Size: 2.63 Gb
A chronicle of the life of the Greek hero who, after killing his three sons must perform six labors to repent. ORIGINAL TITLE: Hercules (TV)
COUNTRY: United States
DIRECTOR: Roger Young
SCREENWRITER: Charles Edward Pogue
COMPOSER: Patrick Williams
CAST: Paul Telfer, Elizabeth Perkins, Timothy Dalton, Sean Astin, Leelee Sobieski, Philip Grieve, Kim Coates, Leeanna Walsman, Kristian Schimd, Luke Ford, Jamie Croft
STUDIO/PRODUCER: Hallmark Entertainment The most popular myth of all becomes the grandest of movie events as this epic story of Hercules the gifted child born of a blood greater than mortal who would become the most powerful among all gods unfolds with splendor, power, and thundering adventure.
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The Black Dahlia 2006 DVDRip Xvid AC3-FLAWL3SS
Two policemen see their personal and professional lives fall apart in the wake of the "Black Dahlia" murder investigation.